Friday, June 10, 2011

Weekend Plans!

What are you guys up to this weekend?

Boyfriend and your MatchGirl have loads of things planned for his very rare Saturday off.

First up, the McCarren Park Greenmarket. We'll go there to get some fresh veggies for our weekly menu planning.

Next: Smorgasburg. We somehow haven't made it there yet and we're stoked to check it out. We hear the amazing people behind the defunct Queen's Hideaway (an old Greenpoint favorite of your MatchGirl) have a stand there and they are selling some awesome Asian-inspired fare.

Then, of course, we'll head to The Renegade Craft Fair. Super excited.

The evening promises dinner with friends and a birthday party. So excited for summer in Brooklyn!


  1. Go to Smorgasburg by 11:30am. I went at 2pm and was insane. Had to wait too long in each line, but at 11:30 no lines, free food samples, yum.

  2. Thanks! We went early and were rewarded! Of course, the weather probably helped...
